With this game I felt like the decisions took a while to get too and they didn’t quite fulfill what I wanted out of them. Personally I like sandbox games and feel like they allow the player to experience more of a pick your own story. This is not a game I would typically play, that being said I have become engaged with it and wanna see where things go. However, I will most likely continue to play, to make the main character a complete sociopath who ruins the lives of others, and see how it all ends, in the end this is one of the options, isn’t it? And I don’t see him as a good guy who deserves something positive in the end at all. My face hurt from the facepalms while I was playing. I recommend the developer to seriously reconsider the plot. This is a great novel if you feel bullied at school and want to get back at someone who didn’t really do anything wrong. I understand that the author wants to turn mc from a loser into an alpha male, but can you slow down a little with this? The female models look good and have a nice variety. On the very first day, he found a wonderful girl who sends him nudes, builds relationships with one of the girls from the bitch squad (oh, how convenient) and his sister, who ignored him for a whole year, is moving closer, realizing that she was wrong. The Slaverian TruckerĪnd thirdly, this is of course the fact that the life of mc changed 180 degrees after entering college. But the actions of the mc, who decides to take revenge (apparently because of his small wounded ego) and prevent the girls from getting into college and pay for it with another portion of well-deserved humiliation, are obvious and ridiculous. So why all the reviewers want girls to go to hell is a huge mystery to me. None of them did anything directly to him. All the protagonist’s whining about how terrible and evil they are stops at the fact that we are not even shown this. Secondly, I didn’t see any direct bullying from the bitch squad in the intro, not counting the prank.

The main character began to bully because of such a trifle? In what fucking universe is a guy going to be bullied for a leaked photo? Wishing nothing but the best for the future of Bitch Squad, It’s off to great start and had tremendous potential.and its Devs. Coming up with a good plot, or at least a theme where the protagonist would really suffer, isn’t easy. Firstly, the subject of bullying is quite complex, unless you have been a victim, in my opinion. It looks like a fantasy of an outcast schoolboy, on the topic “how to become an avenger for dummies.” This game tries to cover the theme of bullying, but fails completely. I hate giving games too low ratings, but I can’t resist.